Wednesday 10 February 2016

the escape part 4

As the girl girls were flying towards the exit a man was eager to see the two children that were coming to him. “Are you sure this is the place?” Athena asked unsure. “Yes!” Bluebell says excitedly she was to be free at last. so the two girls stepped into  the place they saw right at the end was the way out or was it?? “Race you to the door!” Athena yells back to her. soon they were standing in front of the door, it creaked open and they slipped through and what they came to was a sort of place where you would call home.

“wow!” they gasped then a man appeared behind them
:want a room follow me” he says “who are you?” they say in unison “ha twins” he says “anyway I am Eddie. and I own this place. AHH this is you room” Eddie says they look it was the most amazing place ever with soft things, cuddly things, warm things, and more things!

“Tomorrow we will set off mister.” Says Bluebell “oh that will not be necessary, because my little slaves will be working…  “ he says and with that he shut and door and locked it and bam! and the room became an old and miserable room.  the girls thought he was joking so they went to sleep.

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