Sunday, 30 October 2016


The Punishment Girl.

As I stumble stumble down the musty corridor girls of all ages cower away from me; as if I was a disease! I sigh but walk on ‘what is it with me?’ i wonder ‘they all run away from me. It's not fair!’ I continue to think “what is wrong with me? Who am I?’ I wonder for the onethousandout time, all my daydreaming was interrupted when I bumped into the ‘special’ who kept us in order (really!?)
“THERE YOU ARE!”, cried Keira “THE NUN WANTS TO SEE YOU!”, she shouts as if every one has to know. I stare into her bulging blue eyes
“FINE”, I shout loudly but not too loud otherwise I will be in BIG trouble.

I turned and walked away but befor I got that far I grabbed and hauled towards the Nun…
“You’ll be wondering why i want to talk to you”, the Nun calmly says, “well that is because you are the forbidden one!”, I looked up and saw her cool gaze turn into glee.
“BB-BUT I am right handed and M-M-My name is Violet!”, I cry not taking this all in.
“Lilac look around you girls cower away from you, people hate you. You are left handed, your name starts with the forbidden letter at the start!”, The Nun cried.

“YOU ARE NO MORE THE PERSON YOU WERE BEFORE YOU ARE TO BE GONE BY DAWN!”, The Nun shouts nodding to some people I was grabbed (AGAIN?) and pushed out roughly
“BEGONE!” they say in unison The turn and ran leaving me staring down the corridor not knowing what to do.

“OH Lily what am I to do!?”, I cry falling dramatically onto the bed lily shook her head
“WE what are WE going to do?”, Lily giggled
“oh yeah, at least we got each other”, I laugh grabbing some more old and dusty clothing  

“OH LOOK I AM THE NUNS CHILD Keira!”, I mock strutting forward like Keira does  Lily laughed uncontrollably.
“WHAT'S SO FUNNY?”, someone shouted Lily and I looked at each other panic stricken it was Keira!
“I SAID WHAT'S SO FUNNY!?”, Keira cried saying it louder I had to act fast and quick otherwise we would be in DANGER!
“L-L-Lily was sle-slee-sleep laughing” I Stammer thought the sentence
“REALLY?”, Keira asks “WELL! NO SLEEPING BECAUSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SLEEP ONCE YOU LEAVE!” Keira shouts madly but leaves all the same.  

Lily looks at me
“Thanks!” She whispers scared that Keira was still here I shake my head sadly.
“Let's leave now!” I shout to let everyone know. Around the orphanage The girls whispers of Lily & Lilac leaving. Inside of the Nuns office The Nun cursed:
“HOW DARE SHE LET THEM GIRLS KNOW!” Lily smiled and nodded
“LET’S GO Lilac!” She shouts louder than me I smile and head out but before we got out the door Keira jumps out and whistles. I turn my head for a moment because I thought that I had heard something, but with that split second i was grabbed and pulled into an unknown location (it must be in the orphanage) I open my eyes and spot Lily struggling against the two mysterious people
“LET HER GO!!!!!!” I shout before everything went black.  
“Where am I?” Was the first thing that I heard “SHHH!” Came an urgent reply“Keira?” I ask “YES?” sighed Keira “what are we doing here?” I as trying to be modest before Keira could say anything The Nun came striding in.
“WELL, WELL, WELL, What do we have here?” Laughed the Nun (a very happy/pleased with herself laugh) “Look at them especially Lilac!” Cried Keira I look down at myself I didn’t look as bedraggled as usual: My old clothes hung loosely (because we get hand me downs hmd for short) my bare feet were scratched and badly beaten bruises run down my slim model-like body.
“DO YOU NEED A MIRROR?” Mocked Keira but gave me one all the same I look down into the mirror stifling a gasp (I had never seen my face or my hair color) My eyes were a really deep purple I had few freckles and my hair was a deep purple and the closer to the end it got it turned slowly into a blondish colour all that ruined the effect was the clothes they were a dull gray with ripped seems (that i had tried to fix) cuts started at the shoulders and made their way down.

I looked over at lily I had never studied her close but now when I looked at her she was different I explain how she looked: Her hair was a blue lily color getting darker as it went down her face had few freckles (as mine had) her clothes were in a more ‘good’ condition fitting her well projecting a slim-model-like body, like me she had cuts & bruises scattered round her body. I continue staring at her transfixed by her beauty that was before the punishments happened I was grabbed and taken to a room FULL of things “Your first punishment is... HAVING TO REWRITE ALL OF THESE BOOKS!” Cried Keira pointing to a thick pile of books I groaned Keira smiled and whispered something to the Nun “Gag them!” The nun said playfully the hidden men did as they were told as if they were scared.

ONE WHOLE YEAR Later! Tears were streaming down my face as a sharp bone knife was chopping into my skin unable to scream was torture they stopped and moved to Lily (The bone knife was still in my skin) I could just turn my head and see Lily shrink back in her seat I watch pained as the slowly and purposely cut into her fragile flesh… This had been going on for one year now with the same old gag that was put in at the start my bruises had faded but new ones had replaced them. The Nun appeared from the shadows (she was the one who pulled out stuff that is cut into us) she approached me, her cheeks were tear stained but all the same she RIPPED the bone knife out quickly making it sting more tears came pouring out (HOW DID I have that many!?) I looked down to see my blood gushing out. I needed to scream BUT how?

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